Professional qualification: 

Major:   Management and economics

Profession: Economist, 3rd qualification degree by the NAVET(National agency for vocational education and trainings) qualification

This can be a full program of 960 hours to gain the state qualification for profession(duration 6 months) or a shorter program to gain the part of profession qualification for selected disciplines by the candidate.

Target group

Specialists, responsible for a team of people with non- economical or -managerial background, who need to:

  • participate equally in the process of taking managerial decisions based on financial information,
  • develop own work plan of own team with clear goal targets and success measurement indicators,
  • understand the important aspects of the interpersonal relations at the workplace, the factors affecting the motivation of the people in the organisation, the pre-requisites to build trust which outline the leader in the organisation,
  • understand the system of functions and roles of the good manager, that make him successful in adding value to the business through the people.



Basic economical knowledge for non- financial people120
Fundamentals of business law30
Fundamentals of marketing and sales40
Modern methods for effective sales45
Project management60
People management40
Business communications30
Performance and workload management30
Teamwork and time management30
Practice of leadership30
Improving the efficiency of work processes and people- best practice approaches140
Business correspondence45
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)30
Working with office equipment30
Marketing on the internet30
Creating a web page45
Analysing data with PIVOT Tables45
Labour Law20
English language120


Attendance form- one session per week in combination with learning assignments for homework with a total volume of 960 study hours – contact us for proposal.

Web based form – contact us for proposal.

If a part of profession chosen(shorter course and program), the price is built depending on the chosen courses and duration.

In the price:

Electronic work books, interactive exercises, study cases, tests, exam test examples

Seminars for exam preparation.

Access to web- based ressources in our e-learning platform:

Feedback from a tutor for the web-based assignments.

State certificate for acquired qualification

Сertification exam


See more on: Professional Qualifications

Индустрия 🢒

Professional Qualifications
Management and Economics 🢒

Professional Qualifications
Бизнес администрация 🢒

Professional Qualifications
Малък и среден бизнес 🢒

Professional Qualifications
Търговия 🢒

Professional Qualifications
Бизнес услуги 🢒

Professional Qualifications