Opening hours

Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 17:30 h.
Sat- Sun: weekends

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Professional Qualifications

Professional Qualifications

Vocational education and training under ZPOO

Certification Programs

Certification Programs

Certification programs for professional and business skills

Open Courses

Open Courses

Collection of workshops

Upcoming trainings
Calendar and schedule of trainings


The products and trainings in our portfolio are suitable for

  • people in need of a professional qualification with a focus on business development and management;
  • experts looking for certification courses for professional and business competencies;
  • professionals wishing to join open courses with a strong practical orientation and up-to-date knowledge of modern business management;
  • company teams searching for bespoke corporate trainings, developed specifically for their needs.
  • business owners and managers ready to get consulting and auditing in the field of our qualifications and practical experience.

Responding to Your availability and needs for time and form of learning, we provide:

  • face-to-face courses, for the ones who prefer live contact and discussions,
  • web-based training through our platforms in Bulgarian or in English, supported by a virtual classroom for real-time training sessions, consultations and face-to-face seminars for certification exam preparation,
  • a mobile learning application through the OMLP platform for Android, suitable for customized learning projects,
  • VR simulations developed according to Your special scenario
  • our board game ‘Start-up’

Our web-based platforms

  • for NAVET qualifications,
  • with short business trainings and
  • with courses in Bulgarian and English are available through your browser from all over the world, 24/7.

Due to the dynamics of pricing and the diversity of our portfolio, please consult the Trainings section and the information about a specific product or service. You can contact us for details on a specific offer and discounts for the number of participants or early bird registration where applicable.

Payments are usually made by bank transfer after an invoice is issued by us.

We issue the following types of certificates:

  • Certificates of an acquired profession or part of a profession/key competence according to our license at NAVET
  • Certificates according to international standards and good practices such as EBC*L, PRINCE2®, AGILEPM®, etc.
  • Certificates according to SBC’s internal specimen for participation in short and open courses
Our competences
+години опит в обученията
+активни обучения и сертификации
+обучени курсанти и студенти
+доволни клиенти

Opinions from our customers

Medbio Commerce

"Ние ползвахме услугите на Училището за бизнес компетенции за разработването на маркетингова концепция на една нова гама от продукти. Аз смело мога да препоръчам Училището като консултант, обучител и тренер в областта на маркетинга и организацията на търговската дейност."

Ivan Lesev, general manager - Medbio Commerce

Petrol AD

"The School of Business Competences Ltd. was the partner of Petrol AD to implement a combination of attendance and web- based trainings for our sales force in the network of gas stations."

Sv. Yordanov, еxecutive director - Petrol AD


"The team of the School of Business Competences demonstrated exceptional professionalism, high quality of the learning materials and training methods."

R. Grigorov, HR Manager - LUKOIL


KENAR is the most famous Bulgarian company producing and selling culinary products. In the context of expanding our business activities, we completed a project to open culinary stands in the supermarket chain Kaufland. This required the implementation of a new business model, workforce re-organisation and trainings in order to match to the high managerial standards […]

Zare Shahbasyan, President of KENAR - KENAR