ENTRE-YOU International interest from stakeholders
INTERNATIONAL REQUEST FOR ENTRE-YOU TRAINING As you know, the ENTRE-YOU training materials are ready, the piloting is currently carried out. In the meantime, as the word about ENTRE-YOU is spreading, we have several different institutions already interested in implementing our training program across Europe. Below you may read more about shown interest in Croatia and […]
About ENTRE-YOU What is ENTRE-YOU? A European project, funded by EU under the program Erasmus +, category KA2 Strategic partnerships. A partnership between 7 countries with the goal to develop comprehensive VET program leading to internationally recognized certification (EBC*L, European Business Competence License). It provides young jobseekers, especially those with socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, with […]
About the project SBC School of business competences Ltd. implements a project under the Erasmus+ programme. OpenMLP is a 24-month long KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices project funded by the European Commission. The project specific obejtives are in line with the ones set by the Erasmus + programme: develop basic […]