Open MLP

About the project




SBC School of business competences Ltd. implements a project under the Erasmus+ programme. OpenMLP is a 24-month long KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices project funded by the European Commission. The project specific obejtives are in line with the ones set by the Erasmus + programme: develop basic and transversial skills using innovative methods such as accessible (free) mobile application (app) and build a strategic partnership between educational and business organizations for the development, delivery and usage of educational content for the needs of the today’s global business environment and the business development in the EU.




The project consortium which will deliver the project consists of five partners, namely:

  • Business & Professional Women Praha II (Czech Republic)
  • Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania (Bulgaria) and
  • SBC School of business competences Ltd. as a project coordinator.


Aims and Objectives


The project is aimed to:

  • Exchange best practices and programmes on  training of business competencies;
  • Create a sustainable open business model for development of mobile educational content, which will give a possibility for further development after the lifespan of the project and an open access for development of a network of VET providers and other partners in order to become self-financing;
  • Develop and deliver an educational content and competencies with a focus on SMEs;
  • Develop an accessible (free) mobile application (app) for the implementation of training programmes on a wide range of modern mobile devices– smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc;
  • Develop a standard structure of the educational content, which will be used by the project partners for the implementation of the pilot testing of the programmes and after completion of the project, by other VET and business organizations, students, entrepreneurs and interested parties;
  • Develop a multilingual learning content, accessible for people and companies in the EU in the framework of Erasmus+ programme;
  • Implement an innovative practice for vocational training;
  • Create an available educational content and training for young people through modern mobile devices, which most of them already possess, and the utilization of modern ICT technology in favor of enhancing the professional competencies, entrepreneurship and micro and SMEs;
  • Transfer technology (a free mobile application, an open standard format of educational content) to the interested actors within the EU and all countries participating in Erasmus+


Expected Impact

Main desired impacts at several levels are as follows:


  • Increased employability and skills to become more competitive and increased professional profile at the time of applying for new learning or working opportunities in the fight against unemployment;
  • Enlarged networks with local and European interests that can contribute to the attainment of Europe 2020 goals by boosting the development of local and regional strategies targeting young people and thus decrease unemployment rates in member states involved;
  • Strengthened collaborations and built new relations among SMEs, local authorities, business organisations and other stakeholders with positive impact on social, economic and political environment in each partner country but also with transversal cooperation agreements fostering exchange of information amongst countries;
  • Reduced negative impact of the economic crisis and counterbalanced disparity between employed and unemployed..